Biopic based on the life of poet and novelist Kenji Miyazawa, one of Japan’s most read and beloved authors of children’s stories. The story traces the genius writer’s brief but amazing life through his relationship with his loving father Masajiro, a successful pawnbroker and modern man of the Meiji era who struggles to keep up with his eccentric son’s ambitions.
Download Father of the Milky Way Railroad (2023)
- 1080p Filepress
- 1080p HellaByte
- 1080p Gofile
- 1080p Sendcm
- 1080p MegaUp
- 720p Filepress
- 720p Hellabyte
- 720p Gofile
- 720p Sendcm
- 720p MegaUp
Diposting pada:
Kualitas: HD
Tahun: 2023
Durasi: 128 Min
Direksi:Izuru Narushima